Apr 222025

live todayBird feedersEarth Day is today! This year’s theme is Invest in Our Planet.  The original theme was Invest in Our Planet. Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970. Today is a good day to plant trees or clean up litter or build a compost pile or make a bird house or…Children could learn more at: Earth Day. Children could also read Earth Day – Hooray! by Stuart J. Murphy. The book incorporates some great math concepts with an emphasis on the environment.

Apr 222025
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Oklahoma Land Rush

Oklahoma Land Rush began at twelve noon 1889 when the government opened 1,900,000 acres of land bought from the Creek and Seminole Indians. People raced to obtain the best plots of land. By evening 50,000 people had established home sites in the region. Children could learn more at an excellent primary resource: Land Rush. They could also research the differences between a “sooner” and a “boomer.”

Apr 222025

Eileen Christelow (born Washington, DC, 1943) has written and illustrated at least 31 books for children. Her works include the Five Little Monkeys series and Where’s the Big Bad Wolf. Children can visit her very interesting website at: http://www.christelow.com/.

Paula Fox (born New York, New York, 1923; died Brooklyn, New York, March 1, 2017) wrote about 20 books for children. One of her books, The Slave Dancer, earned the 1974 Newbery Medal. She received the very prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award in 1978 for her body of works.

Yehudi Menuhin (born New York, New York, 1916; died Berlin, Germany, March 12, 1999) was a renowned violinist. Idea: Children could find out how a violin makes sounds.