May 282025

North American River Otter

World Otter Day is today. Created by the International Otter Survival Fund, the day is celebrated on the last Wednesday in May. Thirteen species of otters exist, and these species live in either fresh water or salt water. Otters are carnivorous, eating mostly fish. Some species use rocks to break open shellfish. Children can learn more at: IOSF.

May 282025

Flag of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan celebrates the 1918 founding of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan. According to the CIA World Factbook, Azerbaijan is a bit smaller than the state of Maine. This landlocked country is composed of semiarid steppes. Almost 10 million people live in the country, and oil and natural gas provide a fairly solid economy. Baku is the capital. Children can learn more at: Azerbaijan.

May 282025

A Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse ended a battle in 585 BC. The Medes were battling the Lydians in the Battle of Halys in what is now Turkey.  The two sides decided the eclipse was a sign from the gods that battle had to stop. A truce was hastily arranged, and the daughter of the king of Lydia married the son of the king of Medea. Children could learn more about solar eclipses at: Solar Eclipse.

May 282025

Debby Atwell (born Providence, Rhode Island, 1953) writes and illustrates books for children. Her books include Barn and Pearl.

Ian Lancaster Fleming (born London, England, 1909; died Canterbury, England, August 12, 1964) was an author. In addition to his James Bond books, he wrote for children. One of his children’s books is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, published in 1964.

Jim Thorpe

Jim Thorpe

James Francis Thorpe (born Prague, Oklahoma, 1888; died Lomita, California, March 28, 1953) was an Olympic athlete, a baseball player, and a football player. Part-Native American, he was raised on the Sac and Fox Nation in Oklahoma. Controversy surrounded his career as to when he became a professional athlete. Children could read Jim Thorpe, Original All-American by Joseph Bruchac.

Johann David Wyss ( born Bern, Switzerland, 1743; died Bern, Switzerland, January 11, 1818) and his family wrote Swiss Family Robinson. He also wrote the Swiss national anthem. Children can learn more at: Johann Wyss. Children can read Swiss Family Robinson at: Project Gutenberg.