Sep 162025

United Nations Flag

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is today! The United Nations commemorates this day in 1987 when nations signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. We need the ozone layer, so today is a good day to respect our layers of atmosphere.

Sep 162025

Flag of Mexico

Mexico celebrates Independence Day. It declared its freedom from Spain in 1810. Mexico, a bit smaller than three times the size of Texas, is home to 116.2 million people. Bordering the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea, the country experiences earthquakes and hurricanes. Mexico City is the capital. Children could learn more at: Mexico.

Sep 162025
Papua New Guinea

Flag of Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea celebrates Independence Day. The country became independent in 1975, but it remains part of the British Commonwealth. It is composed of the larger island of New Guinea, the second biggest island in the world, and 600 smaller islands. About 6.4 million people live in Papua New Guinea, and Port Moresby is the capital. Older children could learn more at: Papua New Guinea.

Sep 162025

Mayflower set sail in 1620 with 102 passengers and a meager crew. Its destination was Jamestown in Virginia, but it encountered terrible storms and was blown off course. It arrived at what is now Provincetown, Massachusetts, on November 21, 1620. The passengers went ashore at Plymouth, Massachusetts, on December 26, 1620. Children could read On the Mayflower by Kate Waters. They could also visit: Mayflower.

Sep 162025
Curious George Flies a Kite

Curious George Flies a Kite

H. A. Rey (born Hans Augustus Reyersbach, Hamburg, Germany, 1898; died Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 26, 1977) was a children’s author and illustrator. He and his wife Margaret Rey are best known for their books featuring Curious George. Children can learn more about his amazing life by reading The Journey That Saved Curious George: The True Wartime Escape of Margret and H. A. Rey by Louise Borden. Children can learn more at: H. A. Rey.

Joanne Ryder (born Lake Hiawatha, New Jersey, 1946) has written at least 25 books for children. Her works, incorporating poetry and science, include My Father’s Hands and Wild Birds. She is married to Laurence Yep. Children can view a list of her books and read reviews of those books at: Joanne Ryder.