Nov 052025

Raymond Bial (born Danville, Illinois, 1948; died Danville, Illinois, January 1, 2021) was a children’s author. He combined his writing with photography to create photo-essays. He published over a hundred books, including The Underground Railroad and Mist over the Mountains.

Larry Dane Brimner (born Saint Petersburg, Florida, 1949) is a children’s author. He has written over 150 books. One of his books is Black & White: The Confrontation between Reverend Fred L. Shuttlesworth and Eugene “Bull” Connor. The book was named a Robert F. Sibert Honor Book, and it received the 2012 Carter G. Woodson Award. Children could visit his website at: Larry Dane Brimner.

Roy Rogers (born Leonard Slye in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1912; died Apple Valley, California, July 6, 1998) was a singer and an actor. He is famous for his cowboy roles in the early days of movies and television.

Ida Minerva Tarbell (born Erie County, Pennsylvania, 1857; died Bethel, Connecticut, January 6, 1944) was a writer and historian. She meticulously researched her subjects, and she set a new standard for investigative reporting. Children could learn about Tarbell at: Ida Minerva Tarbell. The could also read Ida M. Tarbell: The Woman Who Challenged Big Business – and WON, by Emily Arnold McCully. Finally they could read some of her works at: Project Gutenberg.

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