2025-07 July 2025
July is the seventh month of the year. Originally it was the fifth month and was called Quintilis, meaning “five.” Since Julius Caesar was born in that month, it was named in honor of him and became July. It also became 31 days long. July’s birthstone is the ruby. The water lily is a flower associated with July.
Month-Long Activities
National Ice Cream Month honors that favorite frozen treat. President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month in 1984. He also announced that the third Sunday in July was National Ice Cream Day. The average American eats almost five gallons of ice cream per year, and vanilla is still the most popular flavor.
National Hot Dog Month celebrates one of America’s favorite foods. More than 16 million hot dogs are eaten each year.
National Recreation and Parks Month reminds children to visit the outdoors. Children can visit a website at: http://www.activeparks.org.
Special Days
Independence Day is July 4, a Thursday this year. The United States declared itself free of English rule in 1776. Interestingly, only two people signed the Declaration of Independence that day. Most of the representatives signed the document on August 2, 1776. Children could learn more at: Independence Day.