2025-08 August 2025

August is the eighth month of the year. However, it started out as the sixth month in a ten-month calendar. Romans called the month Sixtilis, meaning sixth. Around 700 BC King Numa Pompilius added January and February to the calendar and bumped Sixtilis to the eighth month. In 8 BC the month was renamed August to honor Augustus. The Romans also took away a day from February and gave it to August. Birthstones for August are the sardonyx and the peridot. August flowers are the gladiolus and the poppy.
Month-Long Activities
Children’s Vision and Learning Month reminds children and adults to have their vision examined before the start of another school year.
National Back to School Month occurs now because many schools start back to school in August. Almost 50 million children attend school.
Special Day
National Mustard Day is celebrated the first Saturday of August. This year that date is August 2. Children can learn more at: http://mustardmuseum.com/annual-national-mustard-day/.