Jan 172024

James Cook

James Cook in 1773 became the first person to cross the Antarctic Circle. Sailing on the Resolution, Cook crossed the Antarctic Circle twice more on the voyage. On the same trip he visited a number of locations, including Easter Island, Tahiti, and the New Hebrides. Children could learn more at: James Cook.

Dec 162024

Boston Tea Party

Boston Tea Party was a protest against a duty placed on imported tea. In 1773 over 100 men, dressed as Native Americans and led by Samuel Adams, boarded three English ships moored in Boston’s harbor. They dumped at least 300 chests of tea overboard. They did not wish to pay the tax for the tea. The British retaliated by imposing the Intolerable Acts on the colonists. These acts led to further opposition on the part of the colonists and eventually the meeting of the First Continental Congress. Children could read The Boston Tea Party, by Russell Freedman. Were the patriots right in what they did?