Feb 192025

President Roosevelt ordered the internment of about 110,000 Japanese-Americans in 1942. They were sent to concentration camps in western states. They lost their property, valued at about four hundred million dollars. Children could find out more about the reasons behind Roosevelt’s decision. What was life like in the concentration camps? They could learn more at: Japanese Relocation. Students might also read Farewell to Manzanar by Jeane W. Houston and James D. Houston.

Jun 222025

V-Mail (Victory Mail) began in 1942 as World War II brought many soldiers overseas. To conserve space on transport planes, letters were opened and photographed. A roll of film held 1,600 letters. The film was mailed overseas, and the letters were printed. The process ceased November 1, 1945, when the war ended. Older children could learn more at: Victory Mail.

Jul 302025

WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) was created in 1942 in response to World War II. This organization was WAVESpart of the navy. Within a year 27,000 women had volunteered for jobs ranging from clerical work to medical support to intelligence. By 1945, over 86,000 women had enlisted, and over 8,000 women had become officers. In 1948, women were incorporated into the navy, and the term WAVES was retired. Older children can read an interesting article at: WAVES.