Jan 102025

League of Nations was formed in 1920. Over 50 countries worked together to try to end war. Permanent nations included France, Italy, Japan, and Great Britain. Later Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics became permanent members. However, the United States was not a member. The League of Nations ceased to exist in 1946, but it became the basis for the United Nations.

Flag of United Nations

Flag of United Nations

United Nations General Assembly held its first meeting in 1946 in London, England. Founded by 51 countries, the United Nations today is comprised of 193 countries. The four goals are:
• To keep peace between countries
• To develop friendly relationships between countries
• To help the world’s poor through medical and educational programs
• To be a catalyst so that progress can be made
Today the General Assembly meets in New York City. Other branches of the United Nations are located in Geneva, Switzerland, and Vienna, Austria. Children could learn more at: United Nations.

Jan 102025

Project Diana

Project Diana was conducted in 1946 by the Army Signal Corps.  The group sent radio signals to the moon and recorded the reflected signals (about 468,000 miles to the moon and back). The signals took 2.5 seconds to return to earth. Today called EME (Earth – Moon – Earth), the program started the space program because it was the first time humans sent something beyond the earth’s atmosphere. Project Diana was named after the Roman goddess Diana, the goddess of the hunt and of the moon. Children can learn more at: Project Diana.

Apr 172025

Flag of Syria

Syria celebrates Independence Day. Liberated from France in 1946, this Middle Eastern country is about the size of North Dakota. Farmers grow cotton and grains on its arable land. Mountains and deserts form a good portion of its geography. About 22.5 million people live in Syria, and its capital is Damascus. Children can learn more at: Syria.

Jun 022025
Flag of Italy

Flag of Italy

Italy celebrates Republic Day. It became a republic in 1946. Slightly larger than the state of Arizona, the country supports a population of 61 million people. Rome is the capital, and its mountainous interior supports olive groves and vineyards. Children can learn more at: Italy.

Nov 042025
Grand Canyon, a UNESCO Site

Grand Canyon, a UNESCO Site

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) was created in 1946. The goal of UNESCO is to promote “world peace and security through international cooperation in education, the arts, the sciences, and culture.” Children could learn about all the UNESCO World Heritage Sites at: World Heritage Sites.

Dec 112025

United Nations Flag

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was created in 1946 to help post-World War II children. Today UNICEF provides services, including education, vaccination, and nutrition, to children in 190 countries. Children can visit the UNICEF website at: http://www.unicef.org/.