Apr 172024
Surveyor 3

Surveyor 3

Surveyor 3 was launched in 1967. It made a soft landing on the moon on April 20, 1967. Astronauts from the Apollo 12 mission to the moon brought back parts of the Surveyor. Children could analyze this photograph of the Surveyor. They could find out how it worked and how it was able to land without sinking into the moon’s dusty surface. Children could learn more at: Surveyor 3.

Apr 202024

Marie Curie

Radium was isolated by Pierre and Marie Curie in 1902. They also isolated another new element, polonium. She, her husband, and a third scientist received the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics. She was the first woman to receive any Nobel Prize. She also won the 1911 Nobel Prize in chemistry for her extended work on radium. Radium is a radioactive element that should be handled with great care. Children could read Vicki Cobb’s DK Biography: Marie Curie.

Apr 202024

Site of the Colony after the Battle

Ludlow Massacre happened in 1914 in Ludlow, Colorado. Striking miners were attacked by National Guardsmen. Nineteen men, women, and children were either shot to death or died in a fire. Children could read The Ludlow Massacre of 1913-1914 by Rosemary Laughlin. They could also examine some great primary resources at: https://guides.library.csupueblo.edu/ludlow.