Jan 022024
Click for detailed Georgia Flag

Georgia State Flag

Georgia became the fourth state in the United States by ratifying the Constitution in 1788. Although one of Georgia’s nicknames is The Peach State, the crops of peanuts and tobacco each bring in more revenue than peaches. Cotton, which was a very important source of revenue 100 years ago, now generates a little more than one percent of the state’s income. Atlanta is the state capital. Georgia ranks 24th in area and eighth in population. Children can visit an Internet site at: Georgia. Idea: Children could make and enjoy a simple peach cobbler.

Aug 232024
Wash Monu

Washington Monument and Repairs

East Coast earthquake occurred in 2011. The 5.8 magnitude earthquake was centered in Louisa County, Virginia, but its effects were felt as far north as Quebec and as far south as Atlanta, Georgia. Experts believe one-third of the country’s population experienced the earthquake. No lives were lost, but damages did occur. Washington, DC had significant damage, including the Washington Monument (now reopened) and the National Cathedral. Older children could learn more at: East Coast Earthquake.