Jan 302024

Thomas Jefferson Building Aerial by Carol M. Highsmith

Library of Congress was burned in 1815 by the British during the War of 1812. The library was located in the Capitol Building. After the War of 1812 Thomas Jefferson helped reorganize the Library of Congress with a contribution of 6,500 books. The Library of Congress remained in the rebuilt Capitol Building until 1897 when the library building opened. The library now houses 144 million items. The first Library of Congress Building is the Thomas Jefferson Building. Other portions of the Library of Congress are housed in the John Adams Building and the James Madison Memorial Building. Children could investigate the Library of Congress website for children at: http://www.loc.gov/families/. The site is truly filled with many, many ideas. Remember to keep scrolling and scrolling!

Mar 232024
Lawrence Sperry on the Steps of the Capitol Building

Lawrence Sperry on the Steps of the Capitol Building

Lawrence Sperry landed his Sperry Messenger airplane on the grounds of the Capitol Building in 1922. The plane climbed up some of the steps of the Capitol Building to stop its flight because the plane had no brakes. Some authorities believe Sperry also landed in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Nov 172024

Congress met in session for the first time in the Capitol Building in 1800. Interesting fact – the Capitol Building on Sundays was used as a house of worship until the Civil War. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison attended services there. Children could visit the government website. The site offers some virtual tours and excellent links: Capitol Building.