Sep 152024
Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez, a Pura Belpre Medal Book

Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez, a Pura Belpre Medal Book

National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15 through October 15 by Presidential Proclamation. September 15 was picked as the beginning because five Latin American countries, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Honduras, celebrate their independence on that day. Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence within a few days. Children can learn more at: National Hispanic Heritage Month.

Sep 152024

The Central American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua declared their independence from Spain in 1821.

Costa Rica

Flag of Costa Rica

Costa Rica, about the size of West Virginia, has a population of about 4.7 million people. The country, which exports bananas, pineapples, and coffee, has four active volcanoes. San José is the capital. Children can learn more at: Costa Rica.

El Salvador

Flag of El Salvador

El Salvador, slightly smaller than the state of Massachusetts, has a population of 6.1 million people. It exports coffee, sugar, and textiles. It is the only Central American country that does not have a coastline on the Caribbean Sea. San Salvador is the capital. Children can learn more at: El Salvador.


Flag of Guatemala

Guatemala, slightly smaller than the state of Tennessee, has a population of 14.3 million people. It exports sugar, coffee, and petroleum. Mountains cover most of the country, and Guatemala City is the capital. Children can learn more at: Guatemala.


Flag of Honduras

Honduras, slightly larger than the state of Tennessee, is home to 8.5 million people. The country often experiences hurricanes along the Caribbean coast. It exports textiles, shrimp, and coffee. Tegucigalpa is the capital. Children can learn more at: Honduras.


Flag of Nicaragua

Nicaragua, a bit smaller than the state of New York, has a population of 5.8 million people. The largest country in Central America, Nicaragua exports beef, coffee, gold, and sugar. Managua is the capital. Children can learn more at: Nicaragua.

Dec 012024

All-Female referee crew officiated for the first time in a men’s FIFA World Cup 2022 Game. Stéphanie Frappert of France was the center referee. Her assistants were Neuza Back of Brazil and Karen Diaz of Mexico. Germany beat Costa Rica in the second round game in Qatar.