Apr 012024

John Morton died in 1777. His date of birth is unknown. Active in politics, he was elected from Pennsylvania to serve in both the First Continental Congress and the Second Continental Congress. He signed the Declaration of Independence, and he was part of the committee that wrote the Articles of Confederation. He was the first Declaration of Independence signer to die. Children could learn more at: John Morton.

Sep 052024
First Prayer of First Continental Congress

First Prayer of First Continental Congress

First Continental Congress met secretly in 1774 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In response to the Intolerable Acts, 56 representatives from 12 colonies discussed their grievances. Georgia did not send members. Peyton Randolph from Virginia was the president. The First Continental Congress, which ended on October 26, 1774, had accomplished two goals. The group decided that the colonies would boycott British goods starting in September 1775. Also they agreed to meet again in May 1775. Idea: Children could find out how people were chosen to attend the First Continental Congress. They could also read the journals of the meetings at: Journals.