Feb 292024

John Phillip Holland (born County Clare, Ireland, 1844; died Newark, New Jersey, August 12, 1914) invented the submarine. Idea: Explain to the class how a submarine works.

Herman Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine

Herman Hollerith (born Buffalo, New York, 1860; died Washington, DC, November 17, 1929) invented a tabulating machine, using punch cards, that became an early precursor of today’s computers.

Patricia A. McKillip (born Salem, Oregon, 1948) has written at least 37 children’s books and numerous short stories. She specializes in fantasy themes. Children can visit her website at: http://patriciamckillip.com/ .

Augusta Savage (born Green Cove Springs, Florida, 1892; died New York, New York, March 27, 1963) was a sculptor associated with the Harlem Renaissance. She had to fight racial discrimination to become a well-known artist in clay. Children could read In Her Hands: The Story of Sculptor Augusta Savage, by Alan Schroeder.