National Recording Registry in 2003 announced its first 50 selections of sound recordings to be preserved. The National Recording Preservation Board, a part of the Library of Congress, chooses 25 recordings each year. One of the recordings is the 1929 “Light’s Golden Jubilee,” celebrating Edison’s light bulb invention. Children can find the names of all the artists and works at: They can even listen to the works.
Library of Congress was burned in 1815 by the British during the War of 1812. The library was located in the Capitol Building. After the War of 1812 Thomas Jefferson helped reorganize the Library of Congress with a contribution of 6,500 books. The Library of Congress remained in the rebuilt Capitol Building until 1897 when the library building opened. The library now houses 144 million items. The first Library of Congress Building is the Thomas Jefferson Building. Other portions of the Library of Congress are housed in the John Adams Building and the James Madison Memorial Building. Children could investigate the Library of Congress website for children at: The site is truly filled with many, many ideas. Remember to keep scrolling and scrolling!
Library of Congress was created in 1800 when Congress appropriated $5,000 to buy books that Congressional leaders might need. Located in Washington, DC, it is the country’s oldest federal cultural center. Today the Library occupies three large buildings with another building housing a conservation center. Its collections exceed 173 million artifacts, which are cared for by over 3,000 employees. Anyone can conduct research within the buildings, but only high-ranking individuals may remove materials from the facilities. Children could investigate the Library of Congress website for children at: The site is truly filled with many, many ideas. Remember to keep scrolling and scrolling!