Robert Louis Stevenson (born Edinburgh, Scotland, 1850; died Samoa, December 3, 1894) wrote poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Treasure Island, first appearing in magazine installments, was published in 1883. He published The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in 1886. Kidnapped was written in the same year. Another of his famous works was A Child’s Garden of Verses. Children can read many of his works at: Project Gutenberg. They can learn more at: Robert Louis Stevenson.
Katy Kelly (born Washington, DC, 1955) writes for children. Two of her characters are Lucy Rose and Melonhead. Children can visit her website at: Katy Kelly.
Nathaniel Benchley (born Newton, Massachusetts, 1915; died Boston, Massachusetts, December 14, 1981) wrote at least 20 children’s books, but he also wrote for adults. One of his children’s books was Welcome to Xanadu, published in 1968.