Apr 162025

Flag of European Union

Treaty of Accession was signed in Athens, Greece, in 2003. Ten more nations joined the European Union: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, and Slovakia. Today 27 countries are members of the European Union. Children could learn more at: European Union.

May 032025

Flag of Poland

Poland celebrates Swieto Trzeciego Majo (Constitution Day). Its first constitution was ratified in 1794. This European country, according to the CIA World Factbook, is slightly smaller than New Mexico. The climate ranges from cold and snowy in winter to cool and rainy in the summer. About 38 million people live in Poland, and the country exports machinery and manufactured goods. Wycinanki, paper cutting, is a Polish folk art. Children could learn how to produce the folk art at: Wycinanki. Children can learn more about Poland at: Poland.