Jan 302024

Thomas Jefferson Building Aerial by Carol M. Highsmith

Library of Congress was burned in 1815 by the British during the War of 1812. The library was located in the Capitol Building. After the War of 1812 Thomas Jefferson helped reorganize the Library of Congress with a contribution of 6,500 books. The Library of Congress remained in the rebuilt Capitol Building until 1897 when the library building opened. The library now houses 144 million items. The first Library of Congress Building is the Thomas Jefferson Building. Other portions of the Library of Congress are housed in the John Adams Building and the James Madison Memorial Building. Children could investigate the Library of Congress website for children at: http://www.loc.gov/families/. The site is truly filled with many, many ideas. Remember to keep scrolling and scrolling!

Aug 242024

Washington, DC, was burned in 1814 during the War of 1812. Many buildings, including the Capitol and the President’s House, were burned. The president and other statesmen had left the city prior to the battle. Idea: Children could find out how the White House got its name. Children can learn more at: America’s Library.

Dec 242024

War of 1812 ended in 1814 when a peace treaty, the Treaty of Ghent, was signed in Ghent, Belgium. Representatives from the United States and Great Britain started negotiations in August and completed the details December 24th. The Senate ratified the treaty on February 16, 1815. Children can view a photograph of the original document and the detailed transcript of the treaty at: Treaty of Ghent.