May 112024

Whooping Cranes Migrate

World Migratory Bird Day is today. Held on the second Saturday in May and on the second Saturday in October (October 12, 2024) the day brings to light the plights of a number of migratory birds. This year’s theme is Protect Insects, Protect Birds. Children could learn more at: World Migratory Bird Day. Idea: Children could make a list of migratory birds common to their home territory. For example, robins and wrens migrate.

Oct 122024

Penguins Migrate!

World Migratory Bird Day is today. Held on the second Saturday in May (May 11, 2024) and on the second Saturday in October, the day brings to light the plights of a number of migratory birds. This year’s theme is Protect Insects, Protect Birds. Children could learn more at: World Migratory Bird Day. Idea: Children could make a list of migratory birds that are not found in the children’s home territory. For example, Emperor Penguins and Arctic Terns migrate.